Welcome to the new USTA Florida & USTA Florida Section Foundation application portal! This new space will be the hub for the USTA Florida Section Foundation's grant applications and various applications used by USTA Florida. Eventually, through this portal applicants of all types will be able to access all of their application submissions across both organizations all in one spot. 

We are beginning with our USTA Florida Section Foundation grant applications. In the coming months we will be adding additional application types. 

Thank you and we look forward to assisting you and growing tennis for all!

Please complete this form ONLY if there is a change/update to your Delegate and/or Alternate Delegate information for your organization. 

USTA Florida Bylaws Article 3 Section 2:  Delegates

A. Rights

  1. Organization Members shall have one (1) delegate and one (1) vote per delegate.
  2. Delegates – Each delegate shall be appointed or elected in accordance with each Organization Member’s policies provided:
      a. Each delegate and the organization the delegate represents shall be a current member of the USTA.
      b. Each delegate must be at least nineteen (19) years of age.
      c. Each delegate may only be a delegate for one Organization Member
  3. Alternate Delegates – An alternate delegate may be named by the Organization Member in the event a registered delegate is unable to serve and must meet the same qualifications of a delegate.
  4. Organization Members and delegates are entitled to notice of all meetings of the membership. Delegates are entitled to be present and vote at all meetings of the membership.
  5. Individual Members are entitled to be present at all meetings of the membership but shall have no voting rights.

For questions about this form, please contact Brad West at west@ustaflorida.com.

USTA Florida & USTA Florida Foundation